
Thomas Marty

Academic and professional history

June 2019 Awarded status of IEEE Senior Member
June 2013 Awarded status of OSA Senior Member
Since 2002 Thales Suisse SA, Binzstrasse 18, CH-8045 Zürich
2001-2002 Legic Identsystems, CH-8620 Wetzikon
1997-2001 Zühlke Engineering AG, CH-8952 Schlieren
1992-1996 PhD thesis at the Institute of Quantum Electronics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
1988-1992 Study in Physics at ETH Zürich, Switzerland
1988-1992 Study in Electrical Engineering at ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Professional experience

System simulation and software development
Coherent population trapping with Cesium
Location finding of pulse emitters with time difference of arrival (TDOA)
Source tree multicast routing algorithm development
